Parish Council – May 2022 News & Messages
Holy Cross Parish Council News & Messages – May 2022
At this time when the world is still struggling, trying to control and come out of the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic, when at the same time another crisis with a new major war in Europe between the Ukraine and Russia is underway for months now (with fears for more serious escalation, unpredictable consequences and dangers for the whole world, even threads of nuclear attacks on humanity), as true Christians, in the light of the Resurrection, we are called, even more strongly, to turn to God with all our heart – to live the faith, to trust in the Lord always, even more deeply at this time, to experience the Paschal Mystery, beyond our reason, unconditionally and without limits leaning on God’s mercy with all our being. Like Jesus Christ on the cross, crying out in prayer, in this crisis and in all the crises in our lives, trusting God beyond the fears, with hope, announcing that we do not need to be afraid, because we are not alone, the Risen Lord is with us!
At this time we pray together as we also prayed with Pope Francis at the time of Lent, before Our Lady of Fatima, with the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the peace and the protection of the Lord for His people and we appreciate even more His presence, the graces and innumerable gifts the Lord has been and is continually giving us, grateful for His mercy in our lives which we take for granted so many times.
During this month of May, dedicated to Our Lady, the Life of a Saint series on our website – at – and also on our smartphone application, will feature “Our Lady of Fatima, her apparitions, miracles and messages to the three children of Fatima”, which took place at another turbulent time in history, with also a pandemic crisis of the Spanish flu and major wars threatening the whole world. You will find relevant videos there too, for adults as well as children. The feast of Our Lady of Fatima is celebrated on 13 May.
We also remind you that the monthly Holy Cross Newsletter is uploaded on our website and smartphone application, from where you can read as well as download it if you wish. A hard copy is also posted at the entrance of the church when issued, at the beginning of every month.
May the light of the resurrection be our guide, consolation and strength every moment of everyday, in all the issues we face, today and throughout our lives. We pray for you and wish you once more, abundant blessings from the Risen Lord! We pray that the Lord may fill us with His Holy Spirit, every day, with His power, His light and His mercy!
Akis Hjiiossif (Chairman of the Parish Council – email:
The QR code of the Holy Cross Android Application is given here below and we encourage everyone with an Android smartphone or tablet to scan this QR code and install the Holy Cross application now. You can also download and install the Holy Cross Android Application from the website of the Holy Cross at on the web browser of your Android smartphone or tablet – click HERE for the link. If you do not yet have the application, please seek help in order to install it. Also, any member of the Parish Council can help you.
We encourage everyone, to regularly use the Holy Cross Application and website to benefit from the various items thereon. You can find news items about the Church and the Pope, the Parish Newsletter, articles on the faith, the lives of the saints, videos and meditations, the mass times, links for the daily mass readings in the Eucharist, the Divine Office link and other prayers, like the morning and evening prayer of the Church, as well as some references to the saint or feast of the day.